The dryer vent in your house could be the most neglected part of your house. It is spread around the place and might be challenging to clean. Many people ignore it because their main focus is HVAC cleaning. The dryer vent is a crucial part that removes excess heat and moisture from your house. So, to keep it working properly, you should clean it or hire dryer vent cleaning services provided by companies like Superior Air Management.
Mistakes You Could Make During Dryer Vent Cleaning
Experts have observed that property owners make mistakes during the dryer vent cleaning process, which can lead to safety hazards and affect the efficiency of the HVAC. Make sure to avoid the mistakes mentioned below to increase the efficiency and lifespan of your dryer vent.
Cleaning When the Dryer is Plugged in
The most common mistake during the cleaning process is that people attempt to clean the dryer vent when it’s still plugged in and connected to the power supply outlet. If your dryer is electrically powered, cleaning it without unplugging it might keep you at the risk of electrocution.
Not Utilizing the Right Equipment
Although dryer duct cleaning is simple, it still requires attention! When people clean the vent, they don’t use the right equipment and tools. Not using tools like a dryer vent cleaning kit, brushes of various sizes, and a vacuum cleaner might damage the vent.
Forgetting to Check Signs for Damages
Another mistake is that people don’t inspect the dryer vent for potential damage signs. The signs indicating vent damage include burning smells, moisture buildup, carbon monoxide poisoning, risk of house fire, air escaping, and higher energy bills. Neglecting these signs will hinder the cleaning process.
Ignoring the Moisture Sensors
The moisture sensors in the modern dryer vents keep you informed about the moisture level. This sensor might not work correctly because you must pay attention to it. You should remove the dry-sheet chemicals and the lint from the metal bar with the help of rubbing alcohol and cotton balls.
Using Duct Tape for Fastening the Ducts
Duct tape is best for securing the duct to the vent. It might be a temporary fix because it will get worse with time. The connection will loosen, and air and debris might spread around the property. The best dryer vent maintenance practice for securing the duct pipe with the vent is connectors and clamps.
Not Hiring Professionals for Thorough Cleaning
Some DIY cleaning practices can be helpful and practical. Still, professional cleaning by companies like Superior Air Management will effectively diagnose potential issues and troubleshoot. Trying to DIY without the proper knowledge, skills, and experience can damage your dryer vent, cause house fires, and even carbon monoxide poisoning!
Best Practices for Dryer Vent Maintenance
Property owners must understand that they should avoid making the abovementioned mistakes. Also, they should follow some best practices or dryer vent maintenance tips discussed below.
1. Turn off the dryer and unplug the power supply. This will ensure your safety from fire and electric shock.
2. Pull out the dryer to maintain a safe distance after unplugging. This will prevent the hose from getting twisted and crimped.
3. Disassemble the dryer vent and take the exhaust outside. Thoroughly clean it with the help of a vacuum cleaner. This will prevent debris, lint, and dust from gathering inside the house.
4. Clean the area around the vent. This dryer vent cleaning practice will help minimize asthma symptoms and allergies and eliminate pests, smells, and lint development.
5. Place the vent back in place post-cleaning. Attach the pipes securely and turn the dryer on to check if it’s working correctly.
6. You can also hire contractors like Superior Air Management, who will provide professional services.
If you want to go through the dryer vent cleaning process, you should always avoid making the abovementioned mistakes and adopt the best practices. This will ensure that your vent works efficiently and its lifespan increases. Also, it will reduce allergy and asthma symptoms and remove pests, smells, and lint buildup.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the proper way to clean a dryer vent?
Proper dryer vent cleaning includes unplugging the dryer, removing the dryer pipe from the vent, using a cleaning kit and vacuum cleaner, reassembling it after cleaning, and turning it back on.
What is the purpose of venting a dryer?
The purpose of venting a dryer is to remove moisture, heat, humidity, lint, and contaminants from the property.
What parts are in the dryer vent?
The dryer vent parts consist of a dryer hose, the vent covers, and the dryer vent box. Clamps and connectors are used to secure these components.
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